
Welcome to the high stakes world of simulated nuclear reactors!

The Rancor microworld is a tool for performing quick testing of novel HMI systems related to nuclear power and can be a very potent method to validate your research.

Table of Contents

Scenario Design

An experiment has some primary aspects that underpin your design and frame your research question. This section will breakdown the common aspects of an experiment using the Rancor microworld.

A Rancor experiment has the following primary features:


This factor is the time of the study or experimental session that your participant will experience (endure?). This can be set to any time in seconds and should align with your overall experimental design. It is important to test this with the scenarios and procedures you have in mind to ensure that your chosen time scale gives your participant sufficient time to complete the steps needed for your experiment.

Plant States

These are loaded with default values by the developers to ensure the system will actually launch and the simulation will be stable, at least for a little while. However, a large number of parameters can be modified if you require a different starting position or starting plant context for your study. Please see the dictionary of parameters for more detailed information on those options.


These are the primary independent variables for Rancor microworld studies. This is where the primary experimental manipulation will be. These faults are defined by a set of control actions or changes to the simulation values and a time or condition-based trigger. This enables the researcher to force users into various situations outside of a standard steady-state operation. These abnormal or emergency scenarios are frequently accompanied by procedures to help guide the participant through the instance.


Procedures are designed to be a tool or resource for the participant to successfully navigate the scenario. However, procedures may also be an area of research or manipulation for the study. Please note that currently procedures have to be opened and interacted with outside of the Rancor microworld. There is currently not a computer-based procedure system for the Rancor microworld.

The Rancor microworld is a simplified nuclear reactor simulation platform designed to be a more accessible means of performing research on modern, digital reactor human-machine interface systems. By greatly reducing the number of critical parameters, the microworld can allow for quick iterations and changes to reactor HMIs and advancement of those designs.

General Use Cases and Terms

Use cases

The platform has been used to assess situational awareness, learnability, different control schemes, overviews, alarm systems, and more. The high level of configurability and malleability of the system allows for increases to potential experimental models and research questions.


Throughout this wiki and research documents published using the Rancor microworld you will see some frequently used terms that we want to define here.

Scenario Authoring

Scenarios can be authored using the Setup.exe program provided with Rancor.

Model Parameters

The model contains several parameters or “points” to keep track of the system states. The scenario files define the initial conditions of the model states as well as fault conditions. This table provides a description for most of the model parameters.

Point Description Value (Range)
TimeMultiplier Used by the model to control the speed of the model 0.05
ModeValue integer specifying the state of the plant 0= Shutdown,
    1= Reactor Startup,
    2= Ready To Roll,
    3= Turbine Rollup,
    4= Ready to Sync.,
    5= Online,
    9= Unknown
ControlsActive Operator can manipulate the controls true

Simulator Outputs

For each trial the simulator will produce two output files. One output is a spreadsheet (.csv) file with the time series of the model parameters at each timestep of the model. In addition to the time series output an event log is produced as a .json file. The event log contains operator actions as well as system events like reactor scrams.

Description EventType Tag(s) Command Value Mode SelectedRod RodPositions
Manual reactor scram ControlAction ManualReactoTrip ScramReactor        
Start safety injection ControlAction ManualSafetyInjection ActivateSafetyInjection        
Select control rod ControlAction RodControl RodSelection 1;2;3;4      
Raise control rod ControlAction RodControl Raise        
Lower control rod ControlAction RodControl Lower        
Set Rod Controller Mode ControlAction RodControl SetRodCtrlManualAuto     1;2;3;4 [100,100,100,100]
Start auto mode of rod controller to start moving to target reactivity ControlAction RodControl ExecuteRodCtrlGo        
Stop auto mode of rod controller to hold at current reactivity ControlAction RodControl ExecuteRodCtrlHold        
Start or Stop pump ControlAction RecircPumpA;RecircPumpB;FeedWaterPumpA;FeedWaterPumpB TurnOn;TurnOff        
Latch the turbine ControlAction SpeedControl Latch        
Manual turbine scram ControlAction ManualTurbineTrip ScramTurbine        
Sync the generator to the grid ControlAction LoadControl Sync        
Set steam generator controller mode ControlAction SGcontrolModeA;SGcontrolModeB   manual, auto      
Set steam generator valve position ControlAction SGAinValve;SGBinValve     manual;auto    
Set isolation valve position ControlAction MSIVA_TargetPosition;MSIVB_TargetPosition;FWIVA_TargetPosition;FWIVB_TargetPosition   0;1      
Set valve position ControlAction ControlValve;GovernorValve;BypassValve          
Close or Open isolation valve ControlAction PorvDumpIV1;PorvDumpIV2   0;1